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Lou Gehrig Day A Day To Honor A Legendary Player And Fight Against Als

Lou Gehrig Day: A Day to Honor a Legendary Player and Fight Against ALS

Honoring a Legacy of Greatness and Resilience

Mark Your Calendars for June 2nd

Get ready to commemorate the legacy of legendary baseball player Lou Gehrig, as Major League Baseball (MLB) establishes the inaugural Lou Gehrig Day on June 2nd. This commemorative date will honor the Hall of Famer who fought tirelessly with ALS (Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) and inspired the ongoing movement to find a cure.

A Day for Inspiration and Action

For years, baseball stadiums across the country have dedicated games to raise awareness about ALS, a devastating disease that affects the nervous system. Lou Gehrig Day takes this commitment to the next level, bringing together the entire league in a united effort to support ALS patients and their families.

Bringing Back the Iron Horse Spirit

Lou Gehrig, known as the "Iron Horse," played in a record 2,130 consecutive games, a feat that remains unmatched in baseball history. His determination and perseverance serve as an inspiration to everyone who faces adversity. On Lou Gehrig Day, we honor his memory and channel his fighting spirit against ALS.
